Monday, November 8, 2021

Meet More People. Open Your Mind and Theirs!

I would like more people to see themselves the way I see myself, as a bit of the universe capable of great joy, which realizes that potential and helps others do the same.  I think a great way to go in that direction is to introduce people to the ideas of voluntaryism, Stoicism, gratitude, humility, curiosity, meditation, and knowing oneself better and better.  I have a plan to do that on my daily morning walk. Perhaps that's why you're reading this.

Did I say "Hey, can I give you $10 to read something I wrote?"  Did I then hand you a business card, that said:

Thanks for accepting my offer.  I'd like to start a trend of people who meet in person trading cards like this one so they get to know each other and begin to see value in disparate views of the human condition.  I hope the $10 is enough for you to justify visiting, and if you see the value in it that I do, perhaps you'll make this same offer to someone else.

What will be at the URL?

Thanks for visiting!  You might have received $10 for reading this, but you certainly have that beautiful curiosity that makes you wonder what else is here.  I'd like to introduce you to the ideas of voluntaryism, Stoicism, gratitude, humility, curiosity, meditation, and knowing oneself better and better.  Each of those items is a link to something about the idea.  If you already agree that a more widespread awareness of and interest in one or more of them will do a "whole lotta good," consider spending $10 to give someone a business card like the one described above.  I bet it works with $1 too.

P.S. I don't have any such business cards yet, nor have I printed this on paper and stuffed the papers into envelopes to carry around tomorrow morning.  I did write what people would find at the URL, and the preliminary text for the business card.  It's progress!

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