Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Thanks for the Click!

If you believe
  • that the initiation of force is wrong;
  • that the institution of government relies on initiatory violence against peaceful people;
  • and that taxation is stealing
– then you meet the basic definition of being a voluntaryist.

We offer you a choice:
If you'd like to learn more, please visit our website, voluntaryist.com, or join the Voluntaryist Telegram group in which lots of questions get asked and answered.  There may even be a meetup in your area, just search for "voluntaryist."

If you love voluntaryism enough to donate toward its ongoing expansion, there are several options:
  1. If you send bitcoin to the address on the voluntaryist site (1N9chGG4Dpp8Lw1eDye9wjiskAVqaiCi2Y), AND you email the Transaction ID to the webmaster (me) at webmaster (at) voluntaryist.com (or send it to me through Telegram, @dscotese), then I will know that this donation resulted from the ad you clicked and it will be used as described below.
  2. If you find something you'd like to buy on the voluntaryist website, the proceeds of the sale will go to me.  I've been the webmaster for about eight years, and I became the owner when Carl Watner passed away in December of 2020.
  3. If you'd like to donate a cryptocurrency other than bitcoin, please email me (see the email address in #1 above).
How Donations Will Be Used:
Donations identified as described in #1 above will be handled by me, Dave Scotese, in the following manner:
  1. The first 0.004 BTC will go to the designer of the ad you clicked
  2. The next $200 worth of BTC will go to me for hosting fees for two years.  In June of 2023, that will be paid again and this item will jump to the top of this list again.
  3. 5% of any donation after the first two items are covered will be used to compensate our ad designers and encourage the creation of more ads to help spread voluntaryism.
  4. The rest of the donated BTC will be spent on placing the ads our designer makes in places that may attract more people to the personal responsibility and respect for individual liberty that voluntaryism promotes. Where this money is spent will be discussed by me (Dave Scotese) and our designers.
A record of these donations will be listed at the end of this post.
By the way, even if you don't donate, you can help by sharing our website or Ken Schoolland's Philosophy of Liberty video.

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