Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What I Started on Sunday

I didn't walk yesterday or the day before. I considered being very late to the Temecula Valley Voluntaryists meetup on Sunday so I could do my whole morning routine, but didn't pull the trigger. Most of what is written below is from Sunday...

I don't think any of that is particularly interesting, but I'm back from my meetup and I went on my walk and did half of my extra exercise. I meditated for a couple minutes after I wrote that first paragraph. 

In The Righteous Mind, Jonathan Haidt explains that most of the use to which we put our frontal cortex processing power is post hoc rationalization. We think mostly to justify ourselves and maintain our reputation. Maybe that's what you see below, or maybe I worked it out subconsciously before seeing it while I meditated. Maybe those two options are not very different from each other. 

We are constantly presenting ourselves to others, so it's a good idea A) to be honest, respectful, and honorable and B) to make our intentions clear to others. Being on time is part of A. I'm pretty sure I have been conditioned and trained to feel like being on time is important, but I also agree that there are many situations in which it is, actually, important. I'm lucky that the training matches my analysis. Going to the meetup on time, I decided, is a good way to maintain my reputation. 

When I wrote "I didn't pull the trigger" above, it was because I decided to go, but the option was still there to be late and finish my routine. I can't remember whether or not that calculation about maintaining my reputation had happened yet, or if it only happened a few minutes later while I meditated.

Why have I decided this subject is fit for publication in my blog?  Honestly, it's because it's Tuesday and I haven't been inspired to write about anything else.  Introspection is valuable.  I think I over-represent its value specifically because I have the feeling and the belief that school damages the human tendency to introspect.  I'm pretty sure my writing is full of introspection.  I'm trying to be the change I want to see in the world, as Gandhi suggested.  Healthy introspection will vastly improve the life of anyone who hasn't been engaging in it already.

For writing that is of higher quality, but without any effective way to interact with its author, check out The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden.  A lot of my writing reflects my efforts to exemplify the pillars he identifies.

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