Monday, June 3, 2019

Does This Exist Yet?

Of course not. I'm only just writing it right now.  But I'm equivocating on the word "this." By "this" I could mean the doorknob I was imagining on my walk this morning, or some unspecified invention that you might think of today or at some time in the future.  When the answer is NO, well, there's an opportunity.  Its existence might end up doing more good than harm, and you (or I) can add that goodness to the universe.  It might do more harm than good though, so we should be a bit careful.

The doorknob has a small electric generator inside, connected with gears to the handle, and connected to a capacitor and possibly a battery.  If you push the doorknob into the door, it will be harder to turn because the gear ratio to the generator will be higher.  It also has a control board and a keypad and a little multi-colored LED.  To make the doorknob engage with the latch, you have to turn the doorknob to charge it.  You can turn it back and forth and it will charge in both directions.  When it's charged enough to power the control board and engage the latch (when you enter the correct code on the keypad), the LED turns on.  You can keep turning the knob if you think you might be too slow to get the code entered before it runs out of power.  Once the LED is lit, you can enter a code and if it's the right code, the LED changes color to indicate that you can turn the doorknob to open the door.

This is intended to be an electro-mechanical automatically-locking doorknob that doesn't require batteries.  If there is a battery, it could absorb extra energy and use it to disengage and, after a time-out, re-engage a deadbolt, but that makes the product significantly more complicated. I will most likely never develop this product, but if you or someone you know likes it, I'll sell whatever rights I might have for pretty cheap!  Caveat: I have not done any patent searches at all.

A friend bought me a copy of Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich.  I read parts of the cover and the first few pages and learned that Mr. Hill identified thirteen principles that are common to successful people.  I imagine that recognizing the value of your intent and refusing to abandon it is one of those principles and my theory feels stronger after reading a few pages of chapter one.

I've met a few people who had some decent ideas but didn't want to share details because they were afraid the idea might be stolen from them.  I usually explain my position in such cases, which is that my idea becoming a reality is more important to me than making money off of it, and I encourage everyone to take the same approach.

I don't know what you're curious about and I'd like to know.  I enjoy writing and will do my best to answer questions that I like.  I thought of a lot of things to write about this morning on my walk and now it's dinner time and I've forgotten most of them.  I did want to use this second entry in my thirty-day challenge to make a list of things I'd like to write about.  Also, here's a brief description of my morning routine:
  1. 7am is the time I chose, before which I'd stay in bed and after which I'd feel like I should already be up.
  2. I make my half of the bed and dress in sweats to go for a walk.
  3. I drink a glass of water with some electrolyte powder in it and eat a protein bar.
  4. I walk twice around the block which takes about 30 minutes.
  5. I do squats, pushups, and sit-ups for about 10 minutes.
  6. I read and reply to messages on my phone, mostly in Telegram groups (like ).
  7. I meditate for 15 minutes.
  8. I make a fruit smoothie and toast a split-in-half delicious, made-with-love-by-my-wife keto bagel and have them for breakfast.
The same friend who bought me the book also suggested, about two years ago, eating only fruit for a while, which I did about a year and a half ago.  Now I'm addicted to healthy food.  It was in a seminar from Landmark where I started doing the extra ten-minutes of exercise.  It's a form of "resistance training" which I'll explain in another blog post.  I also have an abnormal platelet count, which is more material for a future post (hmm... or a past one).

This 30-day blog challenge so far has showed me the truth of the claim that we are fresher and more capable earlier in the day. I'm pretty sure I heard that idea in podcasts from both Tim Ferriss and Brett Veinotte but it's nice to learn from personal experience too.  It showed me some other things and I will consider closing each entry with a list of such things.  I don't remember the other things right now (it's 7pm!), but you can look forward to them in posts that don't yet exist.

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