Tuesday, February 18, 2025

John F. Kennedy Death Ruled Suicide

Many people know of the term "suicide by cop" wherein a criminal at the end of his rope sticks one last sickening thorn into the souls of the police officers apprehending him by threatening them all so much that they feel their only choice is to murder him.  Knowledge of this possibility causes the best police to quit before they are forced to murder someone who hasn't done anyone harm, but who violated too many stupid laws to have any chance of an enjoyable life once he (or she) is caught.

But John F. Kennedy's death has been verified as a "suicide by psychopathic elites."  Multiple wounds in his dead body with different angles of entry prompted recent researchers to examine the hypothesis that he knew what he was doing, and was no longer interested in trying to do (what he thought was) good in a world where psychopathic elites held sway over the minds of so many individuals.

This was before the Internet, you see, at the height of the thrall into which the masses could be put with radio signals.  Mr. Kennedy had turned 21 six months before H.G. Wells successfully demonstrated that people were idiots by broadcasting a radio show in which a news story about invading Martians was played.  Kennedy spent the next 21 years climbing through the jungle gym of political force, first through the navy, then some propaganda training with Hearst Newspapers, and then into the cesspool-surrounded-jacuzzi called Washington DC as a representative and then a senator, finally becoming president, where his southern gentility prompted him to free his people from the stranglehold of fiat currency by issuing silver notes.

But it all proved too hard when he figured out that they murdered his brother Joe for the same kind of care he felt toward his countrymen.  So he thwarted the disaster they'd planned for the Bay of Pigs, pushed forward his silver certificate agenda, and permitted a course change at the last minute through the heart of his nemesis' hometown, Dallas, Texas, knowing full well that the whole world would see the depravity of the psychos on full display while his head exploded.

Too bad that took another few decades because of the success of the Prussian model of "education" making people into stupid sheep.  This effort had been underway since the 1800s after Horace Mann discovered how the Prussians were destroying the imaginations of their children in order to make good soldiers and imported the model to our country.

Yes, this is very dark. I started writing it in 2016 and it's now 2025. I intend it to motivate you (and myself) to be more conscientious regarding our response to "people with power." Consider what that power is: the ability to motivate others to use coercion on behalf of some kind of ideal expressed in legislation. Can they motivate you that way? Probably. Does it make you feel honorable to do what some legislation demands that you do? I have recognized that for most people, the answers are yes, and that is something that needs to change if "people with power" tell us to do things we believe are wrong.  That's not a problem in you or me, or even in them.  The problem lies in the relationship. Did JFK acquiesce to this seemingly overpowering force when he accepted the route change, or did it slip by him? When enough of us stand courageously before wickedness despite its overpowering appearance, the kingdom of God is at hand.

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